Several months have passed since Chris Bane destroyed the Enclave mobile base. It became calmer in the wasteland, and the Palam Paladins recalled the vows and duties that sigh of the loss of Liberty. They no longer storm the bases, but the water is transported regularly. Gradually, the dead earth is filled with Aqua Pura, radiation, albeit with insignificant portions, but retreats. Everyone understands that this hard work is almost useless, but it must be done to someone. The multiple savior of the capital's wasteland Chris Bane was more concerned about a huge charred hole in a cloak ..
Like in good old days ..
He stopped for an overnight stay in some shack south of Kommonels. The construction looked dilapidated and abandoned, but there was a bed in it, and to sleep on Chrisa Street pretty fed up.
However, two hours later he was woke up, and extremely unceremoniously – a shot from a plasma pistol. The hot clot burned in a cloak, bed and wall an almost perfectly round hole, and only the extraordinary dexterity of the Upasan of Chris from the same hole in his own body. In the next instant, he jumped to his feet and with a crushing blow of the "fist" sent the enemy to a deep knockout.
… it seemed that this old man saw the war with his own eyes, so he was old. Dirty checkered shirt, wiped blue pants – only plasma weapon does not fit at all with a simple view. Chris removed the energy pistol in his pocket and splashed in the face of the old man with water.
– What … who are you? What do you need in my house?!
Here it is! The shack was inhabited, and the owner, of course, did not like an uninvited guest.
-Sorry for the invasion, old man, but you could make it clear that my presence is undesirable, somehow less fiery. So, you know, and you can kill. – Chris slowly walked around the room, glancing at his failed killer, who looked more like a tramp or drunkard without weapons.
The old man turned pale:
– Sorry, son, I thought this is another raider. There are not rushing of them in bulk in bulk, and indeed from the wasteland, what kind of evil spirits have not been rushing … I have seen such a thing for my life that you would not even dream of in a nightmare. You, do not be angry, but? And give the gun, otherwise how am I without it ..
Chris leaned over the prisoner, looked into his eyes and honestly said:
– I will not give you a gun yet. Until the morning, I am not going to wander in the dark. And where are the guarantees that you will not put me a charge in the back? No, your toy is still lying with me, but, I promise, before leaving, I will return it to you and I will even go to me. I'm not greedy. You better tell me what to say – a stove or there you have a primus? I want to boil water, I have a little clean, without radiation.
On the wrinkled face of the poor fellow, all his intelligent thoughts were reflected. There were no reasons for the unexpected guest: those who are shining up by wasteland, kindness and nobility are rarely characteristic of, but on the other hand, if the guy wanted to kill him, he could have done it twenty times, and his weapons. Yes, and what is from him, grunt of the old, take? Only it is that the gun, but her guest is dear and so took away. And I want some water ..
“Well, this … I have a kerosene, how not to be,” the old man said uncertainly. – Right now I will bring, she is hidden in a secretary. Wait a bit, or, you want, go together.
He jerked towards the door, but Chris besieged him:
– Well, hold the horses. – He took out a blaster of strangers. – You see this product of extraterrestrial technologies?
– What?!
– Ugh you … the gun is clear? Alien. Powerful – your plasma compared to it is like a slingshot. You’ll decide to do some kind of nonsense, and there will be no more memories from your head. You will behave well – you will be alive. I caught a common idea? Then let's go. You are the first.
They left the shack, rummaged her and went down to the cellar. The old man fished out a kerosene burner from a pile of rags and a couple of pieces of dried meat of dubious origin. He handed one piece to Chris with the words: “Hold it, son. You understand, I don’t want you to be evil, but the caution does not happen superfluous. Otherwise, I would not have been here until my age ". Chris’s meat, mentally grinning, took, but they walked back in the same order – first the old man, and then he.
I didn't want to sleep. The incident with plasma dispersed all the sleepy stupid, and the old owner did not seem to be going to side at all, even on the contrary, somehow perked up. He accumulated, apparently, by simple human communication, and the night guest turned out to be a benevolent listener, showing a sincere interest in the old dummies bikes. Chris, however, had his considerations – while the old man weaves his stories, he, at least, will not throw anything.
– Wasteland – this, son, is such a place where every creature is pair! – the narrator's eyes flared brighter than fire in the hearth. – What are your mutants, pah, Eka NEVIDAL, but they are full everywhere, but I saw the ship! Years old, three hundred years ago walked along the Potomak River … – he laughed creakily, seeing genuine surprise on Chris's face. – What, you think, if I lived in the wilderness all my life, and myself dark, like a rat ass? I, I see, I can read, but I saw these ships on the cards. So, I somehow go along the shore, I look, if there are crab eggs, to eat hunting-passion, and suddenly I see smoke above the water! Well, I think whether it was blinded in old age, or I somehow went crazy unnoticed. My eyes rubbed – not, smoking like smoking. Then he already examined that the ship, but not empty, clear. Well, curiosity was born before me, I scream: they say, where are you, so beautiful, drew? The captain and yells in response that they come from some kind of flint-lukout, go sort it out, what kind of hole is this. There was a crab out of the water, and I was not at once to the pelvis of this smoking. Maybe she smokes air on the river. I would go, son, checked, what, what kind of lucout is this? I am already old for such vents, and you just right.
Honestly, Chris was not in a hurry to believe his words. Well, how can the ship go through the Potomak through the entire metropolitan waste? Yes, he will be captured by mutants with rocket lays and laser rifles, but it’s worse … However, although Chris was smaller than the old man, but still he managed to see a lot of such that no sage did not dream. Both terrible, and unusual, and fantastic – everyone. Maybe there was really in this strange story about a smoking ship ..
“I'll think about it,” he said aloud. -Now let's sleep. And keep in mind, I sleep sensitively, so without tricks.
The next morning he gave the old man his plasma toy, gave a hundred batteries, a few covers and water. Stunning from the unexpected wealth that had fallen on him, as well as from the fact that the guest really kept his promise and left him alive, the old man sat down where he stood, opening his mouth.
And the indefatigable wanderer moved along the Potomak River to the south ..
The name of the city of Point Lookout may seem strange. Well, what is this name – the point of view? However, there are no unknown subtleties of translation here. At the dawn of US development, the lion's share of freight and passenger transport was carried out using steamboats. The rivers were the only highways, because there were no roads or trains then. On the shores, like mushrooms, small settlements grew, which gave the names that were consonant with the peculiarities of the place along the natural laziness. So, with Clifford Saymak in “You created us” the main character lives in the city of Pilot-Nob, which means “navigation hill”-the pilots were guided by him. Point-Lukout, obviously, is called so because of the lighthouse from which the surroundings are perfectly visible.
The haze of the swampy south
Bombs fell not everywhere. Well, what is the meaning of the Chinese in the destruction of every shred of American land? Large cities – and they partially survived the war. Washington, Los Angeles, even San Francisco more or less survived. Well, in any case, something is left of them.
But in the wilderness, in the places forgotten even before the disaster, the consequences of the war are felt differently. There were no explosions, but there were radioactive rains, and the river feeding these places itself became a pure poison. However, as elsewhere, there were those who were able to transfer radiation, hunger and illness. Someone has lost the last brains and is now hiding in the swamps, waiting for the careless wanderers. Others rallied into communities and invented new gods for themselves. Still others mutated in ghouls, but not completely lost humanity, although they were in the position of outcasts. One way or another, people survived, gradually restoring, as they could, the miserable remnants of the previous existence.
Gloomy, dreary, alarming, like its inhabitants, the city is the embodiment of despair. Life was boiling here once, but in hundreds of years of isolation something has changed elusively. These places are hostile for aliens. They look at them, burning their eyes, whispering behind their backs, discussing and wondering how to teach you how to teach. Just like that, for nothing. The city is drowning in the fog, the shores are almost never visible, although the ship is almost near the pier, the gray-black clouds pulled the sky impassable for sunlight veil. And the fog will easily hide anything or anyone … especially those who have intended unkind.
Point-Lukout was a success. Whatever you say, but Bethesda knows how to create an atmospheric environment. Broken Steel in terms of reliability and immersion was weak, but in the southern swamps the developers pulled out to the full. Secrets, riddles and oddities here at every step. One has only to leave the city, as we come across a place for some rituals. It is fenced with stakes, and heads are strung on them. It looks terrible, but if you look closely … it turns out that the heads are puppet. Anxiety retreats. Two more steps forward, and it is clear that rag dolls hang on the trees instead of the heads on the trees, and there is nothing around but the fog ..
And from the shore you can see a half -touched ship. Two Rad-X tablets, a short swim, a serious dose of radiation and the unknown there, inside, under the lid of the hatch. We go down. The ship lies on its side, and a stream beats from a small hole in the side. Tucks here, or something? Otherwise the water would stand here two hundred years, no less. But inside the ship looks like a disaster happened a couple of days ago. Most likely, he is not drowned in the war, but in itself, and therefore has survived so well. Inside the safe with simple supplies of the team. They are no longer at all ..
This is interesting: I am not surprised by the "ship hiding places". I remember that in Morrowind, just a sunken ship, hidden away from tasks and instructions, caused violent delight. Such small details greatly contribute to immersion … into the world.
But this well -developed atmosphere has one negative side – a persistent association with Resident Evil 4. There is also a mysterious cult, a terrible fog, a hostile environment, universal mystery and this … a very popular story in America about the village-Yuzhan, that they live separately and mix blood, from which all sorts of geeks are born. Only here also the radiation tried, so the freaks became even worse. Too trivial of the obsessions of this story, and the first impression is poisoned.
There really is life in this time in time. It is felt in a swamp smell, homemade whiskey and rusted rifles-cure. Point-Lukout town consists of secrets and puzzles. Here you don’t notice how the legs themselves leave the plot path … It’s a pity that this path and everything around it ends very quickly. "One ticket to the capital's wasteland, please …"
A great adventure on mysterious swamps, with an amazing level of immersion in the game. I wish all additions for Fallout 3 were like that ..
Swamp creatures
Swamps – a piece of a completely new territory. There has not been such a Fallout in the world, but nothing is particularly unusual here. The melodious ghouls mutating crabs and their close relatives. However, we will analyze everyone: we will study habits, habits and identify weaknesses.
• Swampfolk
It's no secret that it is dangerous in the swamps. However, it was restless there before the war, when a new plague fell on the world. Its consequences manifested after two hundred years. People in Point Lukauta did not apply for the antidote, and answered the proposals for help with shots. As a result, they spat on them and forgot. Two hundred years of radioactive and plague residents concluded intra -family marriages, which finally finished off the DNA chain. Their bodies are ugly, there are genetic disorders. Brains do not work at all, so they throw everyone in a row. Freaks usually walk in groups of two or three. The patrols always have someone with a gun, and the rest are most often armed with baseball bats or axes. However, even this primitive weapon can easily break through any armor-in Point Lookout to balance forces, there is an increase in +35 non-closed damage for all types of weapons, so even a pair of raggers with pneumatic farts can easily fill up the shooter in T-51b.
Swamp residents do not wear armor, and therefore are very afraid of two things: shotguns and energy weapons. Double -barrels perfectly spread to shreds of any of them, and Gauss, blaster or plasma rifle will evaporate in one shot.
This is interesting: Swamp residents are stereotypical rustic. Listen to how they talk.
• Ruzka
Not only people mummify radiation … A bear lives in Point Lukauta, who is more than two hundred years old! Ruzka can be found in a cave in the northwest surrounded by stones. Inside the den is a bunch of all sorts of components for weapons and a red ball. On one of the loading screens there is a pre -war advertising leaflet “Ruza”, so consider how much it is.
Otherwise, the bear is no different from Yao Goayev, whom we shot in dozens into the wasteland. He also has 220 health points and no protection against energy weapons. So it is better to hunt him with something electric. Gauss rifle is best suited, it does not turn hunting trophies into a bunch of green slurry.
• Smuggler
In Point-Lukait, smuggles live, but what they are transporting is incomprehensible. There is an assumption that this name is just a glitch, since none of the inhabitants of the town mentions them in a conversation. Only Haley says something about them, but calls not smugglers, but mercenaries. Indeed, by armament, these comrades are more like fighters of the “claw”, because they wear not only guns and pistols, but also lasers, plasma rifles and missiles. Near -fight fighters are armed with "rifles" and supermols, and also love to throw grenades very much.
More pale than their metropolitan counterparts, swamp hums, however, are not much different from them. The same wild look, the same manner is insanely (thoughtless) to rush at a person. Swamp hums are as harmless as their usual brothers. One or two shot even from a weak pistol frees this former person from torment.
Swamp crabs of the Point Lukauta are no different from the capital's brothers. Unless the coloring is slightly different. Shoot the face from a gun – this is the right way. These creatures are not at all afraid of energy weapons, especially from the shell.
Queen of Swamp Crabs-these are most likely mutating up the turtles, who took the features of humanoids from somewhere. Unlike crab kings from the capital's wasteland, local creatures use sharp claws and acid spitting. Concentrated mucus easily eats armor and inflicts severe damage (200 or even more), so that mutants hunters in battle should be as much as possible to maneuver.
• Tribals
Local cultists are sometimes very aggressive. If God orders them to kill them, they with fanaticism will rush to fulfill the order. When this happens, the wild citizens grab rifles, shotgun, knives and axes. Their weapons, like swamp residents, apply 35 units of non -discrete, so even a small group can be very dangerous.
Despite the great damage, the savages are disgustingly protected, as they mainly wear all sorts of rags and rags. This does not save them from a good duplet from a shotgun, to be honest – it does not save from anything at all. Dying like flies from any weapon.
Foggy weapon
Point-Lukout is rich in rare samples of rifles, because progress here, in fact, did not reach. The local population, like three hundred years ago, goes outside with repeaters and double -barreleders. Less successful take what can somehow go for a weapon-axes, knives and batons.
• Blackwater Rifle
Blackwood rifle is an outstanding achievement of weapons art. It is not as good as the Lincoln repeater (damage, accuracy, the size of the store), but it can be charged with ten -one -millimeter cartridges popular at the beginning of the game. If you went to Point Lukut at the eighth (or so) level, then Blacwater will serve you for a long time.
The damage indicator of this rifle is 45, and in the clip only ten rounds. The only problem of this weapon is that it is repaired by a special type of repeaters, which are found only in Point Lukout, so that outside the town you will have to rely only on stray mechanics.
Lighter heroes with “critical” abilities will evaluate a five -fold increase in damage with a critical hit. From this position, Blacwater is much more powerful than its competitor – Lincoln repeater.
Verdict: It’s good to get this gun at the initial levels, because it is full of cartridges for it. At the late stage of the game, it completely loses to plasma weapons.
• Bio-Gas Canister
There are unique gas deposits in P?. When there were no atomic batteries, but there was no gasoline, people clung to any ideas. For some reason, one of them was embodied in the form of a grenade.
Canistra with biogas works as follows. During detonation, the gas expands sharply, tears the shell and hangs in the air with a dense cloud. Now we only need a spark so that all this flares up. Gas reacts to firearms, plasma, lasers and other hot items.
However, a gas cancer can hardly be considered a full -fledged weapon. Firstly, their stock is strictly limited (only seventeen pieces in the game). Secondly, the damage does not increase by any abilities, although, according to the logic of things, something one should work, because it is explosives, and it also burns. Thirdly, allies love to run into the cloud, and this is harmful to their health.
Verdict: You can try to arrange a fire and have fun, but in battle it is better to rely on proven plasma grenades.
Oh, how I missed this gun … Old Double -barreled shotgun triumphantly returned. He surpasses any Combat Shotgun in his head by damage, however, shoots only with a hollow, so he spends two cartridges at a time. After each shot, the weapon has to be reloaded, since this process lasts only 0.8 seconds. Terrible Shotgun Smiling Jack is just a little better, but he also has much more scatter.
The problem of the shotgun is the same as other weapons unique for the Point Lukut: they are found only there, and therefore there is nothing to repair them.
Verdict: excellent weapon of extraordinary power. In some situations, it serves better than any energy weapon. The closest competitor is Tesla's gun.
This is interesting: A unique shotgun was cut out of the game – PA> ’S FISHING AID, but it still remained available through the console. This gun inflicts terrifying critical blows, up to 2400 and above.
• Fertilizer Shovel
A unique shovel with sticky scraps of fertilizers can be obtained from the savage of Krataa in the chapel. He gives it for free, you just have to ask. Owners of the Child at Heart ability will get free, and everyone else should go through an eloquence check. However, the class of complexity of beliefs is small, and it will not be difficult to win.
The shovel has a small damage – only 15, but poison the enemy of 4 damage per 10 seconds. The damage is small, but it is funny to crack the enemy on the head with a shovel smeared in manure ..
Verdict: It will do for the collection, otherwise – it is completely useless, like all other types of cold weapons in the game.
• Microwave EMITTER
No, this is not a bizarre microwave, but a special type of energy weapon. In appearance, the emitor looks like a meter, but it works in a completely different way. This gun emits special brain waves that physically damage the target, but the damage and accuracy are calculated from the skill of owning energy weapons.
The emitter causes very decent damage, but shooting from it is inconvenient. It occupies a good half of the screen and seriously interferes with the review, and its beam, with visually large size, hits one point, and it does not always fall into the sight. Miss closely – a common thing, so it is better to use a gun only in VATS.
Microwave Emitter is a unique weapon and is not found anywhere else, so problems may arise with the repair. The wandering mechanics-specialists will help, but it will cost decent money. Another way to fix the emitter is to disassemble a meter, but it is also unique, and it will not be possible to solve the problem of repair in this way.
Verdict: Funny and even useful in the early and middle stages of the game weapons. A beautiful alternative to a shotgun in close combat, only at medium distances the emitter becomes useless.
This is interesting: Externally shot the emitter looks like an attack of crab kings. So maybe it's a sound?
• Ritual Knife
Ritual knife is the second fastest weapon in the game, and the unique name captures the attention of collectors. You can find this knife under the ruins of the house where rituals were held. He lies in caves on the sacrificial table.
With very low damage (only 6), the knife can show itself well in battle, because its critical damage is three times higher than the usual. In addition, this is one of the fastest attack speeds (and AP costs) weapons in the game, so frequent critical hits can compensate for the original weakness of the knife.
Verdict: If you specialize in cold weapons and lucky enough, then this knife will prove itself well. Before the appearance of a shotgun – for sure.
• Dismemberer
Dismembraerer – a unique amusing ax. Traces of blood on him say that the former owner chopped them not at all trees. This weapon looks very impressive, but by damage (only 25) it cannot be compared with the champion of Sichshebab.
The divider is suitable for those characters who prefer blood-meat minced meat with a neat and aesthetic plasma clots. Especially for lovers of cruelty, this ax has the ability to separate arms and legs from the body with a greater probability.
Verdict: will go for a collection or waging, and for the battle there are things and better.
• Toy Knife
A toy knife that can be found in the swamps of Point Lukout, perhaps the weakest and most useless weapon in the game. It can only be repaired by merchants and mechanics, damage causes a minimum (no more than one), breaks in an instant (10 wear against 100 in ordinary knives) and there is a penny. But this is one of the fastest types of weapons in the game, and nothing more and nothing more.
Verdict: only under glass … or in a garbage.
We become stronger
Point Lookout has several new abilities. All of them appear thanks to tasks.
• Superior Defender
This ability is automatically issued after the task of The Local Favor. The defender of the Kalvert manor receives +5 to the damage and +10 to the armor, if it is stationary. The ability is extremely useful for characters – fans steel, who are sitting in place when they aim from rifles, and are motionless when they hit near -fight weapons.
This ability is learning with the help of a book that lies on a table in the Coastal Grotto cave. It is assumed that it should give a small additive to the damage-only +5 and only against ghouls, but because of a funny bug, damage is added to all the weapons against all opponents. The additive is especially noticeable for rapid machine guns and machine guns.
This ability is added automatically according to the plot of the main task. Special fruits grow in Point-Lukut-Punga. The peculiarity of these treats is that they suck in radiation and restore health. The ability increases the amount of radiation absorbed by the fruit. Very useful, because the pung is growing at every step.
This is interesting: even whiskey drives from pungy to Point-Lukaut.
- Swamp residents are local supermutants. Firstly, they are similar to the composition of patrol parties. And secondly, they stomp in the same way. Even the worst of them fall on the ground with a booming roar.
- There is one real smugglers in Point-Lukaut. You will find him in the Gerzog mine. Find – and solve another secret.
- Queen of Swamp Crabs – a possible reference to the film "A Beast from a Black Lagoon". They look very similar, except that the color is slightly different.
- In the Walking with Spirits assignment, the character sees hallucinations. This is not just a set of bizarre images, it is directly related to the events that actually take place. So, the red saw appears when the main character is opened. Guli, voices and inverted reality most likely arise when a piece of brain is cut out. Thread and needle – when Tobar sews the hero's head. Pip-Boy figurines with bizarre texts-character thoughts. Finally, Mr. Break is, apparently, Tobar himself, because he says: "Lester, do not get up so fast".
- Professor Kalvert and his brain in the bank – a reference to the film "City of Lost Children".
- Wess OzyMandias ship – curtsy towards the work of the poet Persia Bisha Shelley. If you get inside, there is a record in the computer indicating that the ship is the property of "energy partners of Bishe". A side task An Antique Land is a quote from a sonnet.
- The Pilk’s Safari task is a reference to the film "The most dangerous game". The saw also hunts for people.
- In rescuers west of the pier, you can find a terminal, which explains the role of a new plague. It was specially widespread by the American government to keep people in fear and manipulate public opinion.
- In October 2077, a plane collapsed in the north. He was not badly injured from time to time, there is something to see.
- In the campsite of scouring, you can see how swamp residents dance around the fire.
- The lighthouse of the Point Lukuta is copied from the present (the city of the same name exists). It is interesting because it often appears in stories about ghosts and ghosts.
- Not far from the Pierce Pierce Lukauta sank a Chinese reconnaissance submarine. Focus on the bucks, there are many values left at the bottom.
- In the morgue of the Tertldav camp lies the body of Van Young, an elusive Chinese spy. It seems that she was still caught. The very name of the camp, perhaps a reference to the writer Harry Tertldawa and his book Southern Victory, dedicated to the history of America from the time of the war for independence to the Second World War.
- Van Young also appears in The Velvet Curtain, which could be a reference to the game Velvet Assassin.
• • •
The main storyline of Point Lookout is again more a militant than a study. We will have to shoot a lot and think a little, so it makes no sense to paint the performance – just go on the marker, and you will not be mistaken.
In addition to the main task, there are also side ones: those that are issued by objects or secondary NPCs. These riddles are simple, but create a unique atmosphere of this place. Be sure to explore the entire PLET-Lukut. And do not forget about the water – the sunken ships have been waiting for rescuers for hundreds of years, and bloody rituals – the work of the hands is not at all a mysterious cult … successful research!