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It is not easy to be a hero. To do this, you have to have remarkable courage, dexterity, intelligence … However, the latter is not necessarily at all. Today we will recall the characters who prove the truthfulness of the saying "there is power – no mind". Although you can do without strength, because, as you know, fools are lucky. We warn you, only characters were found in our list, originally conceived not too smart. And the heroes that seem impassable dumbasses through the fault of the scriptwriters are worthy of a separate top.

10th place. Jimmy Hopkins – Bully

Anyone who calls Jimmy an idiot risks immediately to get in the face, regardless of his status or age. After all, the main character Bully – The boy is eager. But you can't reproach against the truth. Hopkins really does not shine with his mind, and prefers to solve all the problems with the help of fists, which is why he had already changed seven schools and almost flew out of the eighth.

The fact that James is a simple and straightforward young man can be seen right away. Therefore, all sorts of rogues, like the local intriguer Gary, turn them as they want. But the hero still becomes the king of the school, because he, like other characters Rockstar , there is a household ingenuity and excellent hook right. So Jimmy Hopkins receives only tenth place from us in the list of tights.

9th place. Larry Laffer – Leisure Suit Larry series

We thought for a long time whether Larry deserves a place on our list. In the end, during his playing career, he managed to seduce so many beauties that even Duke Nyukem is just right to envy. But then we remembered all the awkward, stupid and shameful situations in which there was a grief of the lord due to the fact that he could not restrain the main instinct ..

Yes, and it all started with the fact that the last money the unemployed hero went to a trip to Lostenchur and the purchase of, as it seemed to him, a fashionable suit in the style of the seventies. Eh, Larry, a little simpleton … The creator of the character, the game designer El Low, claims that he laughed in the face of Luffer with all the recent machoes and chauvinists. So in the top of idiots the hero is the place.

8th place. RUFUS – Series Deponia

On the one hand, of course, Rufus can hardly be called an idiot – even in such a garbage dump as deponents, he manages to grab the hottest girls. On the other – he himself misses them! In total, it was required-not to scatter socks around the apartment, not to build explosive mechanisms, not to throw an ax into a beloved woman, finally! But it is worth the “noble” goal to loosen in front of Rufus, as he suddenly does not care about the most elementary rules. Yes, of course, the side effect of his dope can be the salvation of the planet from destruction, but only in the near future – then he will surely ruin everything, having arranged Armageddon in an attempt not to break the box with crystal glasses.

7th place. Grayson Hunt – Bulletstorm

The main character of the militant Bulletstorm -a real idiot, and exemplary. Already at the very beginning of the game, Grayson Hunt, being drunk in the trash, decides to take revenge on his worst enemy, General Sarrano, and rams his ship. The idea manages, only now the majority of Grayson’s allies die, and he himself finds himself on a dangerous planet without any transport.

However, the hero does not extract lessons from the defeat and later gets into the troubles more than once by his stupidity. What is the moment when he is forced to temporarily unite with the main villain to deactivate the DNA bomb. The general reads a deactivation code that sounds like "you are a stupid tie". But neither this nor the dubious biography of Sarrano Hunt for some reason does not bother. So the venerable guy instead of deactivation triggers the return bomb count, and even locked himself alone with her.

Yes, idiocy is an integral feature of Grayson’s character, which over and over again moves the plot forward, so without it this list would be incomplete.

6th place. Johnny Cage – Mortal Kombat series

Johnny Cage is the best fighter among actors and the best actor among fighters. Dexterous, fast and … dumb. Having hit the tournament where aliens from other worlds, sorcerers and cyborgs fight, Johnny to the last believe that all this is reality show, just good effects are good and great makeup is excellent. And that guy, covered with scales, is nothing more than an experienced stuntman.

Because of his egocentrism and self-confidence, Cage cannot understand obvious things. And in addition, he decides to heal for a beauty in the form of special forces. For this, because the right time. So on our list, the star of Hollywood deserved an honorable place. In addition, as we found out from Mortal Kombat X , Cage and Sonya Blade divorced. That is, Johnny missed one of the hottest girls in the history of games. Well, isn't it an idiot?

5th place. Duke Nyukem – series Duke Nukem

Duke Nyukem-the main alpha male in games. He had already expelled aliens from the ground a couple of times, with his bare hands he tore off his head of the ugly monsters and even wrote a book about why he was so cool. But we are poorly believed that a great thinker is hiding under the sunglasses. One of the indicators of intelligence is a sense of humor. And when Duke does not quote cinematic classics, he jokes very stupidly. And in general, the character was created as a parody of typical heroes of militants. Those who need only a larger barrel to solve any problem. And thinking … Thinking is not cool.

4th place. Eddie Riggs – Brutal Legend

Eddie Riggs from Brutal Legend It turned out to be damn like his own prototype – actor and musician Jack Black. Well, more precisely, to the image that Black diligently builds around himself. Eddie is a fan of rock music, which is capable of something if he takes the guitar in his hands. But still, he is far from rock. In the harsh reality, the Drezgildei dreamer is forced to work on a group of successful mediocrity.

Therefore, Eddie was very lucky that he fell into such a world where everyone else also drags from rock music and worship anyone who is able to give a couple of guitar reefs. In another dimension, he would be hidden at the moment-with his traction to grab the guitar right in the middle of the battle. But in the world of Havi-metal, music calls lightning on the heads of enemies and attracts followers.

And what would happen in the universe Warhammer or any other dark fantasy? “Wait, don't beat, I will play this right now!»At best – the position of court jester. In the worst – earthen mound with a stamp instead of a tombstone. Lucky, just lucky Riggz that he fell into the world of his dreams ..

3rd place. Juliet Starling – Lollipop Chainsaw

At first we thought that our top would be left without ladies. We do not know if the developers of attacks from the feminists are afraid of, or the reason is different, but there are almost no real fools in games.

Harry’s Casino

And then we remembered Juliet. This cheerful cheerler, and part -time fighter of the zombie, personifies almost all the well -known stereotypes about blondes. She loves pink and unicorns, bakes about her figure, but at the same time constantly erupted the chupa-chups. In an amazing way, it combines angelic innocence and complete vulgarity.

And what wind walks between her ears … When one head is literally left of her boyfriend, Juliet does not sympathize with his grief. On the contrary, it rejoices that now you can bring him to the cinema by saving on a ticket. What a charm.

By the way, the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy, James Gann and the Goham -Goyti Goham, created Juliet in the image and likeness of the same Juliet Shakespeare. Let's just say the original interpretation.

2nd place. Jim Chervyk – Earthworm Jim series

Worms are one of the most primitive creatures on Earth. And therefore no one will demand from the worm of intellectual achievements. Even if he knows how to talk, fights well and wears alien supercost.

Jim, the hero of the cult platformers of the nineties, was created as a parody of all kinds of ninja turtles, rocker mice and street sharks. And therefore, the back of the comic effect, outstanding mental abilities are not endowed. In original games, his meadows did not particularly emphasize – nowhere. But in the animated series, based on the full. Jim regularly substitutes his faithful partner in the best traditions of Zepp Brannigan from Futurama.

And he loves to pronounce long and pathos monologues in the most inappropriate situations. However, Jim Tup is as stupid as his whole world. Here, a macau has grown to the villain to the head, and the princess is called to the same. So the demand is small from the speaking worm.

1st place. Rabbits – Rabbids series

Well, we give the first place not one character, but a whole race of finished, uncontrollable idiots. Rabbits are a living embodiment of chaos, meaningless and merciless. They seem to be reasonable, they even have a kind of civilization. But there are no moral barriers or at least the instinct of self -preservation. There is plenty of portion of nerves to Rayman, the rabbits went to annoy the mustachioed Italian in last year Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. The eared luggage people never knew how to control themselves, or rather in the paws, but this time almost arranged a real apocalypse in the mushroom kingdom.

For this, as for everything else, rabbits get first place in our ten.

Well that's all. We remembered the brightest and most memorable tights from the video game. And what are not too smart heroes you love? Write in the comments and play only the best!

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